stamboom roxanne

stamboom roxanne
Stamboom van Roxanne of the Mainstreet


Ch. Yulan of Wild Bumble-Bee

MCO Black-white

GIC Joe Pepper of Wild Bumble-Bee
MCO Red-tabby-mackerel
IC Merlin FeGu Tigerheart Ch. Karlo-Garfield FeGu Tigerheart
Ch. Belushie's Impy Dark
Lisa-Lucca FeGu Tigerheart GEC. Asrael Lionheart
Ch. P.&L. Woodwitch's Indian Jean
IC Kalua of Wild Bumble-Bee
MCO Black-white
GIC Pahokee's Perry Rhoden Pahokee's Purple Rain
Willowplace Charvari
Evita of Cherryland Beauti White E Enjamin of Cherryland
Eve Vom Estetal

NijoyJa's Cheyenne

MCO Black-silver-tortie-tabby-mackerel

Ch. Jatina's Ifor
MCO Cream-silver-tabby-classic
EC Da Vincie van de Mafiosocats Ch. Maine's Magic Tommyknocker
IC Chinook van de Mafiosocats
Ch. Guardian Coon's Emilia Sarafina's Rapidash
IC Guardian Coon's Biloxi Blue's
Oddysey of the Catplanet
MCO black-tortie-tabby-mackerel
Beaverscove Jack in the Box Ch. Jollymoggy's Little Lion of Beaverscove
Am.Ch Valleycats Acadian Beauty
Oriflamme de la Vallée de Rosey EC. DK Maine-Mark's Denver
EC Sailendra's Cinderella II
Inbreeding (complete): 11,6 %
Foundation Top 5: 70,4 %
Clones: 27,1 %

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