stamboom shiver

stamboom shiver

Stamboom van Shiver from Groovy Coons


Maxi Coon's Blaze of Glory DK

MCO Black-silver-tabby-classic-white

Gugger's Cornelius DK
MCO Black-tabby-classic
Gigant's Jedi Night DK Florian's Mikkel
Løve Hulen's Cat Walk
Int.Ch. Gugger's Pretty Chilla DK Int.Ch. Gugger's Androkles DK
Løve Hulen's Kiss me honey
Biloxi's Dark Dahlia DK
MCO black-smoke-white
Int.Ch. Chamberlain Pontiac FIN Gr.Int.Ch. St Johns Genesis
Koontucky Moonpearl
Ch. Biloxi's Anastasia DK T.Gr.Ch.Kahunacoon's Kimosabe
Gr.Int.Ch. Blackfeet's California DK

Gr.Int.Ch. Montagne des Lièvres Brianne

MCO Black-silver-tabby-classic

Bon Jovi of Kimbaluga
MCO black-silver-tabby-classic
Gec. Saska-Kahn's Yankee D. Dundee Int.Ch. Tara's Amarillo
Saska-Kahn's Charity
Chat Botté's Isabella Eur.Ch. Keiser-Coons' Chattanooga
Alysha von der Goldquelle
Ch. Jedadiah's Daughter from Beaver Mountain
MCO Black-tortie-tabby-classic-white
Gec. Rosecitycoon's Trapper Jedadiah Gr.Eur.Ch. Yankee Pearl's Purr-Sonality
I.P. Bengialcoons' Bussy Lizzy Gina
Gr.Int.Ch. Cosy Coon's Utopia Excalibur of Fountain Farm's Heartbreaker
Gina van Fundalik
Inbreeding (complete): 11,2 %
Foundation Top 5: 72,1 %
Clones: 27,7 %

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